Tocio’r gordyfiant

Tocio’r gordyfiant ~ Trimming the overgrowth

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Dydy'r firws ddim wedi stopio'r planhigion yn tyfu ymhobman. Roedd llawer o blanhigion sydd dringo wedi mynd y fyny'r waliau, o dan y bondo, a hyd yn oed trwy'r to. Roedd rhaid i ni docio'r planhigion o gwmpas y cwrt i achub y tŷ ac ysguboriau rhag difrod parhaol.  Roedd e'n llawer o waith. Dwedodd Thrinlé roedd rhaid i ni stopio ar bedwar o'r gloch - ac roedden ni'n hapus i ddilyn ei chyfarwyddiadau. Mae'r planhigion yn dal yn tyfu wrth gwrs. Rydyn ni angen llawr o bobol i docio nhw i gadw'r lle yn edrych yn dda.

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The virus has not stopped the plants growing everywhere. Many climbing plants had gone up the walls, under the eaves, and even through the roof. We had to prune the plants around the courtyard to save the house and barns from permanent damage. It was a lot of work. Thrinlé said we had to stop at four o'clock - and we were happy to follow her instructions. The plants are still growing of course. We need lots of people to trim them to keep the place looking good.

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