Tacluso'r malurion

Tacluso'r malurion ~ Tidying the debris

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Roedd ein gwaith heddiw yn tacluso'r malurion. Roedd pentyrrau mawr o blanhigion a oedd wedi'u torri i lawr. Roedd rhaid i ni gario nhw i le i losgi nhw. Roedd e'n diwrnod llawn o waith oedd llosgi popeth. Mae'n dangos faint o waith sydd yna i dorri pethau i lawr a'u gwaredu hefyd. (Gobeithiwn fod yr wydd yn hapus gyda'r newid).

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Our job today was tidying up the debris. There were large piles of plants that had been cut down. We had to carry them to a place to burn them. It was a full day's work was to burn everything. It also shows how much work there is to cut things down and dispose of them too. (We hope that the goose is happy with the change)

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