Taith hanfodol

Taith hanfodol ~ Essential journey

“Riding bicycles will not only benefit the individual doing it, but the world at large.”
—Udo E. Simonis

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Seiclais i i'r pentref y bore 'ma. Roedd angen ychydig o hanfodion arnon ni - fel peli tew i'r adar - fel arall dwi'n meddwl byddwn i wedi aros i mewn. Roeddwn i fwynhau mynd r feic, ac roedd y gwynt wedi cadw fi'n gŵl ar fy nhaith.

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I cycled to the village this morning. We needed a few essentials - like fat balls for the birds - otherwise I think I would have stayed in. I enjoyed cycling, and the wind kept me cool on my journey.

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