
By Kaysha


Little D really is a super wee boy, even with his 'slapped cheek' viral rash and battle scars from fighting with his big sis. He's been a little more cranky than usual with having this viral infection, not so much that he's been unable to have us all in hysterics with his giggles and funny faces, thankfully. He really is a cheeky wee soul, full of mischief but also full of love.

He's also doing amazingly well in big boy pants. Only a few accidents here and there but that's to be expected. We have a little ritual at night where I put him to bed then he asks for a last pee; can't be daddy that takes him, has to be me. He then sits on the loo for 5 minutes where he says the same thing every night: 'Gambado gone to bed / Santa gone to bed / Gambado had some lunch'. We then stick our tongues out at each other, make bubbles with our mouths and giggle. It's times like this I realise just how quickly our children are growing up and that these little moments have to be savoured, however silly they might seem.

Little D may soon be out of night time nappies too. He's gone a week without peeing during the night so I may brave it sometime soon and see how it goes. It's all pretty amazing considering he's just turned 2, only downside is that he's waking up an hour earlier in the morning desperate for a pee then refuses to go back down again. Who needs sleep anyway? Sleep is for wimps.

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