Brexit? Covid? Pinged on the App?

This morning we went to Asda. Obv I just had to wait in the car. Ann had made a list of stuff that she wanted but there were loads of things that she couldn't get because the shelves were empty. I think this is the first shop that she's done when she's realised that things are no where near 'normal'. Is it due to Brexit or Covid or staff being 'pinged on the app'????

She also wanted wine because she always buys 6 bottles of wine every time she goes to the supermarket but the wine aisles were fenced off because it was before 10am. The Scottish alcohol rules are absolutely ridiculous. No way was Ann going to drink 6 bottles of wine before 10am. And let's face it; if you're an alcoholic you'll always work out ways to get alcohol before 10am???

Anyway after we'd done our big ASDA shop where we couldn't get half of what we wanted, ie no dental sticks for me, we parked at the far end of Portobello so that I could have a good run about on the beach at Seafield with my ball. Yay! It was fun, fun, fun.

This afternoon Ann did a 'Meet & Greet'. Visitors from London. Not wearing masks. They shook hands with Ann. …........And then she suddenly realised................. COVID is still around. I shouldn't be shaking hands with strangers. ….............She sanitised her hands as soon as she left them. Lol.

Having said that, 'ScotRail' has said they're not going to challenge anyone not wearing a mask on their trains.  Are they even allowed to do that?  Mask wearing is mandatory in Scotland???

The trouble is.............................. BORIS is the PM of the UK and he has said masks aren't mandatory in England any more and most visitors arriving into Scotland have absolutely no idea that the rules are different here.

However on a more positive note...................... our weather app is showing fabulous weather for the next week so we're both looking forward to going off on a few little adventures.


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