
Although we are constantly being told that there is a big housing shortage in Sonoma County, it is nice to see that there are still open spaces and farmland too. We drove past this farm this morning when we went to Petaluma to return the big slab of tile we brought home last week. 

I suspect that when the term 'housing shortage' should really be 'affordable' housing shortage, but I really don't know if or how to define 'affordable'. Our next door neighbors, who are currently living in a mobile home next to their lot, have just gotten a quote of $2,000,000 to rebuild their home, and I had heard that they were planning to downsize. I wonder if this is what a lot of people are finding, since there are very few no rebuilds happening around here yet.

Just the simple cost of updating a bathroom is turning out to be eye watering. It has taken me eight years to convince John that I want a bathtub and now that he has finally agreed, I am beginning to question the whole project because of the cost...both to my dignity when it comes to getting out of the tub, as well as our bank account!  The cost of fixtures alone is unbelievable.

I did revisit getting out of the bathtub we want to replace at home today and had no trouble.  I suspect that the idea of making a spectacle of myself in a public showroom may have caused a temporary loss of reason, i.e. panic.I also suspect that we have plenty of time to make decisions, since the shipping times can be up to ten weeks which is probably just a wild guess considering anyway. We still have seen no sign of our two outdoor dining chairs ordered at the end of February....

It was supposed to be almost 100F this weekend but that has yet to materialize. However it is smoky outside due to smoke from fires burning north of here as well as in Southern Oregon. A constant reminder of the fact that it is fire season. As if we needed one...

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