Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

A rainy day

After a gorgeous weekend, it was bit disappointing that the rain returned today and is forecasted for the next couple of days. I guess the only good news is that it is good for our plants and flowers!

Mrs TMG asked me to stop by a local home improvement store to pickup some needed items. I brought my camera hoping for a blip opportunity and these flowers caught my eye. They were sitting on a display outside the store and I loved the bright colors. I seem to be blipping flowers quite a bit lately and cannot help myself because I love the vibrant pinks and reds. I also considered this picture of Canadian Geese, but thought that it was a bit drab and opted for the bright colors.

I like the bright colors, depth of field and water droplets in this shot. I also like the softness of the flower on the left side and the splotches of color from flowers in the distance.

No photoshopping here, just basic saturation, contrast and brightness

Constructive criticism always welcome

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