
We went to the beach again this morning to dig some holes, then we came back for lots of games.  We played Mancala and Llamas in Pyjamas, and built a Solar Power Car using a kit from CyclopsJnr's grandparents - although there wasn't enough sun to power it!

In the afternoon CyclopsJnr coined the phrase "Snack-nic" to describe a stop on a walk where a snack (rather than a full picnic) is consumed and so we had to go out and have one.  We sat on top of some cliffs for the view, but put on our waterproofs for shelter from the wind.

Later we went to the beach again and CyclopsJnr dug holes while Cyclops dug out 15m of horrid black plastic pipe (about 10cm diameter) that was polluting the lovely sandy beach, then cut it into segments that could be removed and at least put out of site.  Nasty rubbish from fish-farms I suspect...

Dinner was followed by marshmallows toasted on new telescopic toasting forks which Cyclops received as a birthday gift - great fun and with delicious results.

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