The face of innocence!


So, last night’s first up, 1am, I timed it just right. Took her out and she weed almost straight away. ‘Great’,I thought, ‘back to bed!’ But Scout was a bit more awake than I hoped. Settled her in bed then 10mins later she started fussing and crying. I left her for a bit then went down to settle her. 10mins later same thing but when I went down she had pooed :( At that point I gave up this approach…it just wasn’t suiting her. So, I cleaned up and cuddled Scout for a while till she was ready for sleep again. I turned my alarm off and went to bed waiting to hear her. I woke at 8am and she hadn’t made a sound! When I went down she was still in bed. So we cuddled and fussed and then I let her out. … And that’s the way we’ll be going from now on.

I nipped out for a quick essentials shop while she was sleeping mid morning then baked some cookies for Claire and the girls coming to visit. We had a lovely time and Scout enjoyed the extra fussing.

This evening (when Cathie had got back from her parents) I went out boarding for the triathlon team. It has been so long and the temperature dropped so much that I was feeling quite ‘scared’ about going in fir a swim thinking I’d just be too cold.
It was very windy on the water which made it entertaining paddling. I ended up sitting down before the wind toppled me over! I put ducky in for some assurance that the temp would be ok. 17.1. That’s ok! Then I put my hand in … ahhh! It was warmer than the air!

When there were only three swimmers left I got in for a swim. It was soooooo good! I swam the whole length of the lake and the sky had even cleared to blue. It was lovely and I did not want to get out, so when I’d swim almost all the way back, I turned and had a play and a float and dithered till I could see the other swimmers making moves to leave. Ahhh! It was so lovely

And I enjoyed speaking to a few others. :)

When I got home Cathie had made mince n tatties. Mmmmm! :D

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