River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Peasant Gardening

Raining when we got up and showers off and on all day, not very warm either - heating on for a while this morning!
Watched my favourite gardening programme "Garddio a Mwy" (Gardening and More). One of the presenters was at Kim Stoddard's garden https://www.climatechangegarden.uk/kim-stoddart/  - permaculture and common sense! Seed saving at the heart of peasant gardening - it just so happens that this year’s tomatoes were from the Seed Swap and are doing ok so far with our very mixed summer weather.
The presenter introduced the item as "pre-Victorian gardening", their obsession with having "weed free" veg patches and flower borders, native species are now being welcomed back into our gardens and wild plants no longer regarded as "weeds"!! 
Photo of our little Bardsey eating apples which are coming along well.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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