Life at 50mm

By Stevie378

Power To The People . . . . .

Walsall once had a power station. It was a huge place that could be seen for miles around, and was a landmark for the folk of the town. It employed hundreds of local people, including my Grandad, who claimed he had to climb to the top of each cooling tower daily, to inspect them. I suspect he may have been bullshitting me, but at the time I believed it all, and the power station was a huge, magical place to me as a young lad.
The station was decommissioned and closed in the late 80's, and was completely flattened. Today the site is a retail park, housing a Sainsburys, a McDonalds and a few other stores. Very little remains of the old power station other than the street name "Six Towers Road", a few stretches of fencing, a set of gates, and this pile of stones - the last mortal Remains of Birchills Power Station . . . .

Rest in peace . . . .. .

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