Afternoon tea at the Caledonian Hotel

The main event today was Susan’s much postponed 60th birthday present from last year - afternoon tea at the Caledonian Hotel in Edinburgh.

I wasn’t invited to the original event as it was planned last year as a girls afternoon out.. By the time the event could happen three of the four participants couldn’t make it for various reasons. I bravely stepped into the breach.

A very pleasant experience it was too, in very relaxing surroundings. We didn’t manage all the cakes and had to bring them back in a doggy bag. The last time we were in the Caley was Hogmanay 2019/20 before the pandemic. Much water flown under many bridges since then.

To walk off the sugar rush we strolled around the old town to experience what atmosphere we could find. Usually, the city is buzzing what with the Fringe and all the other festivals. This year was very subdued, there were plenty of people around and performers on the Royal Mile but nothing like we’ve experienced in the past.

We ended up at our favourite pub: the Guildford Arms for a couple of drinks. That we were able to get in and find a seat spoke volumes for the impact of the pandemic on this (as everywhere else) wonderful city.

We’re off to Glasgow tomorrow to visit Susan’s nephew and his wife and family, staying over with them then going to to see Susan’s old school friend on Friday.

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