Flower Friday With A Side Order Of Heron

You may remember that yesterday the Heron stalked off in a snit because he wasn't going to be my main blip (never mind that he was very late for our meeting).  Well, evidently, he got over his pouty fit and came back in grand fashion today.  In fact, I was able to get shots of him from a closer vantage point than the top of the bridge.  So, I didn't want to disappoint him, by telling him that I had found a flower that I had not used before.  So, this is a compromise.  He agreed to share the main page with the new flower, Ironweed, on the bottom right and the beautiful Skeleton Plant flower bud that you see on the top left.  He did ask to be in two shots and the shot of him preening was one of my husband's favorites, so I agreed to that.  Thanks to Biker Bear for hosting....

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