A Tumultuous Relationship

The Goldfinches at the feeder were not playing nice. There seemed to be lots of arguments about who could eat first. If you have time you can see the rest of the series of shots.

Today  was the coolest day for quite awhile....it was lovely outside on the deck. I have finally gotten the drip system redone for the new arrangement of my potted plants..... it seemed like it was going well until I turned on the water and found water spurting out of some fittings and a crack in the main rubber pipe......I got quite wet fixing the problems because I had to turn the water on to see where I needed to fix it .....often I had to go behind a large pot to see if the problem was fixed......and too often it took two or three attempts. Ugh. But now it is working great. It is a relief to have it all set up if I want to go to the beach for a few days.

Hubby is leaving today for the beach.......I will probably go over on Sunday-Tuesday with Ellie......but maybe she will want to stay here and swim. I live my life "one day at a time" and Covid has been the perfect time to live like this.......no planning ahead (except for medical/dental stuff}.  I am hoping the  dental specialist will be able to schedule me for next week Thursday or Friday......I am not in much pain except for where the 5 injections of Novocain were given. Thanks for your concern.

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