The Sheer Physicality

Finished a wonderful (imo) book today, Midwinter Break, by Bernard MacLaverty, the way he describes ordinary life so accurately and so beautifully. A quote - Stella is talking about saying good-bye to her son and family, going to live in Canada:

The fact that Michael and his family were travelling back by plane didn't make it any easier to say farewells. She knew they could keep in touch by phone... None of these things made a difference. What Stella was missing was the rearing, the day-to-day grind of the rituals of love, the babysitting, the bathing, the book reading, the arms around, the cheek to cheek, the sheer physicality of it all... The need to be involved and spoken of as Grandmother. (p220)

- the three and a half months we spent in the first lockdown with the grandkids
- sharing other people's grandkids (thanks, Hélène)
- the chocolate banana bread we got to eat as didn't manage to deliver it to Netty, who I'd made it for!

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