
By dunkyc

Vouch for this

Apropos of nothing, I received £20 in gift vouchers through the post on Friday morning. It was from work and accompanied by a card thanking me for my efforts. 

It was a nice gesture and I knew what I wanted to do with it straight away, so this morning, The Wee Ones and I wandered into town to visit Waterstones where we could each pick out a book for our holiday, making sure we remembered one for The Eldest too. It is difficult for them in some senses because the array of books for young ‘uns is encouragingly vast and they ended up playing it safe, with The Youngest opting for a David Walliams and m’boy going for something by Julian Clary (who has apparently been in the world of children’s literature for some time now – who knew?!)

I also wanted to get the boy a proper haircut – his mum does a good job, but I know that he likes the Turkish barbers and even I remember from the days when I had hair, it always looks that bit better when done by a professional. Besides, he won’t let me near him after I almost scalped him in Lockdown 1 – in my defence, that haircut lasted months.

Books in hand, m’boy looking sharp and clutching his carefully selected “Extreme Hold” gel, we stayed out and had lunch in Bob and Berts, whereupon The Wee Ones dived into their respective literary worlds. They don’t look best impressed in this shot, but we were having a nice time and these are clearly their concentrating faces, which I don’t get to see that often.

With the weather being rather grim, the afternoon was given over to a film, some crafting, watching the final(s) of The Hundred (which has been great fun) and finally crashing out.

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