As the sun rose

Today felt odd. After a two week break, I resumed work this morning. And stayed home. Started by catching up with some of the messages on email, and arranging for meetings to be set up to be done by Zoom. Met my new registrar (by zoom) and agreed the best way to work for the next weeks (I expect) of being in lockdown. He is advanced in his training, and I have therefore suggested that he take this opportunity to take charge of the care of the patients, in consultation with me. I encouraged him to make his assessment and decide the interventions, and tell me. Of course, that is consulting with me, but I want him to start experiencing telling a senior colleague his assessment and decisions more as a discussion than seeking approval.

Lots of zoom meetings and discussions. And an hour of the most frustrating interaction with an IT fellow by telephone. I needed assistance in getting access to the electronic records on my MacBook, and (probably due to my getting things slightly wrong, it took over an hour to sort it out. Hopefully I will now get it right.

Ended the work part of the day with a second session with the registrar, and am impressed so far by how much he had done, and his grasp of the issues. 

After the sunrise grabbed my attention sufficiently to leave my porridge briefly, I hardly looked out the windows until I headed down to the water's edge for a run and walk on the sandy mudflats. Then ran around the point and along the beach below where I photographed the sunrise. Was able to get the extra; a Taranui, Caspian tern. (Tara is the Maori name for all terns, and nui in this context means large.)

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