Cold as hell

We decided to travel on rails from our side of the city to another. A new local train station is tested now and hubby travelled by the new tram for the first time. 

I must say, that the local train was super fast and nice way to get to the city centre. Too bad that you can make it only once every hour. And it is easy to travel on rails, first by local train, then by tram to the other side of the city. We got back by tram & bus combination, as only very few trains stop at our local station in the evening - not even one per hour. One way on rails tooks some 1hour and 15minutes, if you don't have to wait changing the vehicle.

So traveling by your own car is still faster and easier on this route. It takes 15minutes to the city centre or 20min to other side of the city by car. The only problem is, that the new tram has always right to go first, so it has made enourmous traffic jams for cars into the city during rush hours.

We visited our son in the other end. Hubby took Nicke the poodle out, while I cut my son's hair. Our daughter came visiting too, so we all met at our son's home.

Nice to have these people around us! 


Suddenly only +9c and strong wind from north in the evening. Felt cold as hell. I missed my beanie.

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