Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Officer on deck

He certainly looks the part.

A day of near limitless energy. Bit of work first thing - on call for the next week. Then Strider and I went up to London. Walked from Waterloo to London Bridge and spent three hours on HMS Belfast. Lovely chats with the guy who ran the on-ship workshop and one of the staff who was an expert on Ottoman history.

Lunch from Leon. Coffee in a little Sicilian place in Shad Thames. Strider went home. Lovely chat with the coffee shop manager who was Italian and had two degrees in fine arts. We had a moan about the stupidly of Brexit and the ills of Covid.

I walked back to Waterloo and crossed the river to Somerset House. 

Ambulance Service called me as they were running out of ambulances. I gave them a number to call. Met up with TSM. Drinks in the pop up bar on the terrace. High fives with a really lovely waitress. Then The Vaudeville  theatre on The Strand for a short but astonishing play called Constellations - think Sliding Doors with quantum mechanics and the same relationships played out in parallel universes. 


Count 22,000 steps 3,327 calories burnt.

Still going strong at 11pm. Why is it that some days you can just keep on going and other days it is a struggle to even get going? Maybe it is something to do with parallel universes.

Fab day. Little album here https://photos.app.goo.gl/q6sU1mijkzFRwwMq7

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