An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy Gotcha Day Lola!

Four years have passed since this momentous day!

We knew we were getting a special girl but had no idea how special.  She has brought such joy, laughter and love...and utter mayhem!  :-))  She is the world's friendliest dog and just wants to please everyone.  We could not have asked for a better doggy companion for Alan.  She seeks him out, nudges his hand to be patted, lies at his feet and watches films with him and barks excitedly when he's excited about something.  She also steals his socks, which he finds hilarious! :-)

And she utterly adores David.  She lies at the front door when he goes out, follows him around the house, paws him for cuddles and tickles, snuggles on the sofa with him, walks for miles with him, comes when he calls her, does as she's told always most of the time :-)

And she loves me too...and I feel so grateful and privileged to have the love and affection of this beautiful girl.  The feeling is most definitely mutual.  She is not a pet, she is a member of the family.  Some people find that odd. I feel sorry for them.  

As a puppy she had cuddles on my lap every evening. As a four year old she still tries to do the same!  Occasionally David will lift her onto my knee and I cuddle her for as long as I can bear her weight!  Thirty four kilos of Golden Retriever in one's lap is a challenge....but I love it! :-)

We spent time in the garden this evening, tidying up and cutting back some out of control bushes...and playing with Lola of course.  She may be four and a bit years old but she will always be a puppy at heart.  It's the Golden Retriever way!  :-))

I saw this verse recently and it made me laugh.  Sums Lola up' not just her tail that wags! :-))

The Golden Retriever

Their love in unconditional, 
They are your bestest chum, 
They make their feelings obvious, 
Each time they wag their bum! 

Waggy bum in extras :-))

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