Windmill 'De Drie Korenbloemen', Schiedam

'Korenbloemen' = 'Koren-BLOO-mun' >> The Three Cornflowers... gorgeous name!
The fourth windmill in 'SHKHIE-dam'.  There are eight, so four more to go.
You can see how challenging it can be when the windmill is standing along a canal in the middle of a residential area full of trees.  Never mind, I'm lucky when I can find a couple of good angles and the sun isn't casting too many shadows.  The windmill was turning while I was there, but it was clearly 'loose', totally dependent on how strong the wind was.

Fabulous weather, but the forecast predicted more clouds to pour in from the north sometime mid-afternoon, and it happened, too.  Thankfully, enough sun yet to shoot this, and no traffic on the way and back, so a smooth ride.

I have practically finished clearing up stuff in my little workroom, so a huge relief.  Just some odds and ends but I think I'll chuck about half of them into the bin.  On the way back from the hunt, did some supermarket errands as well.  The laundry and the kitchen are up to date, so used the rest of the time to game.  I haven't gamed this intensely the past year, and it's a phase that will wear out in time, speaking from experience, but of course I am enjoying it while it lasts.  AW had his Wednesday evening bridge online, but he also had a long stroll in the afternoon, during which a lady stroller even offered him a cup of coffee at a café terrace, which she duly paid for... haha!  AW will always run into someone like that.

Altogether a fab day.  Never mind the rain and cloud predicted for tomorrow.  Those things will pass, as they always do.

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