The Nails Have It!

Perhaps the writing is on the wall when I constantly think this is Saturday and am surprised when I remember from time to time that it’s only Friday.
It’s not any old Friday either, it’s the Friday of my Glasgow daughter’s birthday.
Not only would she remember it was her birthday but she would also know it was a weekday because when I tried to phone her at 8:50am, she was already on a Zoom call. Such are the benefits of having a bus pass that every day is interchangeable and I don’t do Zoom calls at breakfast time.

I had a diversion to get to the city centre today given that my direct route is closed to pedestrians and traffic because of the Forrest Road conflagration. I dodged through the English Bank Holiday tourists dragging children and cases in order to say au revoir to my step niece whose stint manning her stall at the St John’s craft fair ends on Sunday. I persuaded her to let me blip her beautiful nails- no falsies but the real thing and a work of art.

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