Another Day in the Life of

You can understand and appreciate why Noah felt obliged to build his ark, although he didn’t have Covid to deal with at the same time as his flood
How much more depressing can life get now that it has rained for the 5th consecutive day?

The fungi and snails are in their element though and the toadstools that appeared overnight were going to be my main blip until I walked past the remains of another giant elm tree cut down yesterday in the Meadows.
I was on my way to deliver a card and roses to a friend whose husband died on Sunday. It’s such a terrible time to lose a soulmate and have to make funeral arrangements with the current restrictions. There will be a memorial service later, but how much later is anyone’s guess. As deaths go, it was a good one and that is some sort of comfort, I guess.

Tomorrow I may have my own home grown Dower House flood as my upstairs neighbour with his central heating system leak, lifts up his floor, and starts filling up his boiler to locate the offending joint. My ceiling will bear witness to where it is approximately, but, hopefully above me, they will find it really quickly so that any flood is minimal.

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