curns' corner

By curns


I obviously wasn’t very awake when I went for my morning walk. Not only did I not leave the house until 8:15 but I forgot my keys. I called PY in advance to make sure that I would not be ignored if I rang the doorbell but I was greeted as I paced my foot on the step. 1.96 miles today. I am not quite getting to the 2 miles but I am hopeful that I will be able to make that a regular occurrence soon.  Song of the Summer by Tebey & Una Healy (from the Saturdays) is currently the song that is waking me up as I walk.

Today was one of the slower days at work and at home and, again, I suffered for inspiration for the photograph. Although I have adjusted to being at home - and, in contrast with a year ago - I would be very happy to continue working from home moving forward, I do find that there are a few days where I miss interaction with colleagues. Today was one of those days.  And, when I am in that place, I find it quite hard to shake the feeling that the days are dragging: even if I had things to do.

To shake the feeling, I went to the gym and, for the second time in a week, ran 5k. I came home to eat the pizza we bought yesterday.

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