Hanging About

Well the day got off to an exasperating and depressing start, got hugely better when the estate agent moved up a gear (from neutral), detoured into interesting territory when I had 10 minutes to get to the bank before they closed (think traffic jam, illegal parking, running in a downpour, forgetting a mask, add a huge dollop of pleading and a pile of cash and you’ll get the gist), though needlessly as it turned out, and finally Peter appeared with the keys to a new flat. The gods were definitely smiling down today - or laughing hysterically more like. So we spent a lot of time just hanging around waiting, not my favourite pastime! But we’ll sleep better tonight - and we’ll have to because the removers will be there at 8 and it’s going to be a long, fraught day!
Just polished off an Augustiner and a durum with everything. Food and drink for the soul!

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