
By dfb24

Mexican Fiesta

I had said that I'd post a photo of my granddaughter dancing at Mexican Fiesta, so the large photo is from her first performance (she's in the middle) & the thumbnail is from the ending of her second performance. They danced on 2 different stages and the second, while smaller, was covered & had black curtains behind them so I liked the black background. Can you tell that she knew exactly where I was sitting? Lol. We had a great time. I got there about 1:30--her first performance was at 2--& it was free to enter the grounds until 3:00, but while I got in for free I almost had my camera banned from going in. The guy who was watching people walk in asked me if my camera was a professional one. Thinking he meant can that type of camera be used by professionals, I said "Yes, sure", and he told me there was no professional photography allowed so I had to leave the camera. I said I'm not a professional photographer but he said he'd have to check with the supervisor before he could let me in. The supervisor came over, looked at it & said it was a nice looking camera. I said thanks, but that I wasn't a professional photographer, I was a grandma who wants to take pictures of her granddaughter who's dancing today. He looked at me and then said okay, I could go on in since I had an honest face. My "honest face" is pretty sunburned now as it was beastly hot there & neither stage had shade for the audience, but everything was so colorful & festive; we really enjoyed the music, the dancing and the singing. Oh,  & I especially enjoyed taking non-professional photos as we walked along. :))

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