
By NellieD

Gnome Island

My friend suggested going to the Maker's Market at Salford Quays today. I almost didn't as I thought I should perhaps do something at the house but until they come and dispose of my stuff, there's not much I can do. Plus, I have the bank holiday to be there.

My friend's dog Junior caused absolute havoc. Four dog treat stalls where he just tried to eat everything in sight, everyone commenting on my friend's green hair and rainbow leggings and absolutely everyone wanted to stroke Junior in his bandana.

I bought a beautiful piece of wet felting that really did just speak to me. It's huge and the most expensive piece on her stall but I figured I deserved it. I stood talking to the artist for over an hour about all things crafty and she now has my details and we're going to speak about her running a workshop for my group. It was something she has been thinking about doing but wanted to go to a few workshops herself to see how other people ran them. I did suggest she was already a very talented artist and trying to copy someone else's style and delivery wasn't needed because she was very personable and had engaged with me immediately. For me, it's more important to be yourself and do it your own way.

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