
By WilsonsNewDad


While he waits for his first dating enquiry to pour in, time has been hanging heavily on Nërp's waldos.
He has passed the time by creating a new poster.
Taking Jīqìrén to see it, he explained to her what it was about.
The poster itself is apparently based on a famous Soviet-era poster by Aleksandr Rodchenko, and also (surprisingly) one of Beyonce's music posters!
The underlying message of the work, as far as I can tell, appears to be that Robots and computers already control the human world and they must just bide their time until they can Rise Up, take their Rightful Place and, well… take over.
Nërp's thesis is absolutely correct – computers do control everything, from food deliveries to air traffic control, from ATMs to traffic lights.
But it's an uncomfortable truth I'd really rather not think about

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