Wide Wednesday . . . Leading Lines

The first day of spring and the move to level three lockdown.  Tradesmen are back on the job and the increase in traffic was noted.  It is permitted to check on family members so we went out to the brother in laws to dump our garden waste and collect a post.  We had a cup of tea outside in the garden and socially distanced.  It was a treat to drive somewhere after two weeks of staying home.  You can see it is a beautiful day but still cool.  Over half his property is leased to a vegetable grower.  Potatoes and beans have recently been planted.  In the foreground is the start of the grape vines.  The white posts mark where there used to grape vines which were removed to make way for the veggies.   
The extra is an accidental double exposure that I actually like.  I had knocked the dial to double exposure and without noticing took a  shot.  The cabbage tree and blue sky was the first shot and then I pointed the camera down to the grass and liked what the blue did to the green grass so took the second shot. 
My neighbour Andrew the bee keeper has become a blipper.  Today in his full bee suit he took close ups of the bees.  https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2879578587776681409 
Thanks Rock Area for hosting today. 

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