....this wheel's on......

It started to snow last night just after we got back from the quiz.

It has snowed non-stop for 24 hours.

Guess how much of it has stuck and laid on the ground.

Go on......guess.

None, nil, zilch, nada, not a sausage, bugger all.

This is our garden table tonight....that's it......24 hours of snow....and that's it.

So obviously I had to go to work this morning.......an iffy meeting at 8.30......four lessons....kids reluctant to work on the last day of term........break duty....outside.....air temperature -2 degrees C....wind chill -12 !....and what a wind....gusty 30m.p.h!

Take away Chinese for dinner.....England 8-0 winners against San Marino.....this blip.

I am absolutely exhausted........so is every one else at work.

Hebs' op was a success and she's home....I've promised to do a day on grape peeling duty next week for her.

We've cancelled fishing this weekend....the weather forecast is crap.

Tomorrow afternoon......after a mega sleep in......I will catch up on my blip comments.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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