
By Fisherking in the snow......

Today I have mostly done.......very little.

We eventually got the snow laying over night.

Up at 6.30 to make sure the Boss got off to work o.k........made coffee....brushed snow off car.

Went out myself just after 8 for some essentials.......well....fags, lottery ticket, chocolate Easter eggs and a McD breakfast.

Snuggled up on the sofa after breakfast....and fell asleep.

Woke up for a second time after 12.00....spent the afternoon snuggled inside....still bloody freezing outside....watched mindless t.v........Come Dine With Me....some programme about chefs touring the country entering cooking contests in country shows................Men In Black III.

Dinner with the daughter.....Boss arrived home.....daughter went out. Now contemplating going to bed.

It's a hard life.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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