How shall this be

We went to a funeral today. The first time I’ve been inside our nearly eight hundred  year old village church for several years. I try to avoid funerals as a rule, but this lady was a stalwart of the village and had lived here all her eighty eight years. She was  the daughter of people who ran a pub ( long ago closed down) and a local farm. She supplied us all with eggs, and Christmas turkeys years ago too. She remembered seeing the glow in the sky when Coventry was bombed during WW2.
When a funeral caterer couldn’t be found the women of the village stepped up with huge quantities of cakes sandwiches and savouries which we ate while remembering her life.
She received an MBE from the Queen for her duties as a school crossing patrol, a ‘lollipop lady’. She saw our three children safely across the road for years. She had a long and interesting  life and will be missed.

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