
By GirlKojak

Steam(ing) Radio

No enemy speaks slightingly of Irish Music, and no friend need fear to boast of it. It is without a rival.
(Thomas Davies)

Ireland is rich in literature that understands a soul's yearnings, and dancing that understands a happy heart.
(Margaret Jackson)

A very poor photo of the wonderful Steam Radio playing their more traditional style of Irish music at Bishop Auckland Town Hall. I had a wonderful evening with friends Chris and Den (I was their best man!), and Sheila - big thanks due to them all.

You can't help but feel happy listening to proper Irish music, and the Guinness just adds to the atmosphere...thank goodness I'm not allergic to it! Here is an example of the band doing their stuff - don't be alarmed by the video starting midway, I just thought I'd cut off the tuning etc for you.

I have to say they sounded much better in real life. They were so energetic and obviously thoroughly enjoying themselves. I love how real enthusiasm is contagious! Unfortunately their liveliness (and my incompetence - I really need to work on low light photography) made shooting them rather tricky! One guy is missing from this line-up as the piece didn't require his Irish flute or other assorted wind instruments, but I must say I've fallen in love with the mellow tones of a wooden flute.

It really struck me during the evening how much story there is in folk music - a real treasure trove of social history.

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