
By Raestelle

"Whisky And Plenty Of Ice.."

I don't usually put booze on here but, well, I'm sure someone will be interested in looking at this bottle - still unopened - dated 1967 - and purchased at McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

Our N.Z. friends will be familiar with the Antarctic station ofcourse, and in 1980, John, with around 17 other ANARE expeditioners, flew from Melbourne to Christchurch and after a week in Christchurch waiting for the weather to clear - in a transport aircraft - a Starlifter - I guess you know what they look like..

McMurdo Base is the American Base, and at that time there were around 800 men and women there.
And so, not only was John introduced to the Antarctic, but to the very different types of food - pancakes especially, which were among many other foods we don't have here - for breakfast. They ranged from peanut butter to blueberry pancakes..and were very interesting he said..

At Casey Base the men were very well looked after, with food and recreation and he did enjoy his experience there, over 30 years ago now and it just seems to me, like yesterday...

He was en-route to Casey Base, as a rigger-welder - crane operator - which was another (around) 5 flying hours away, and the lads had to stay at McMurdo Base for 5 days in what he recalled then, was over-heated quarters, - rather a shock to the system to then walk out into the snow..

Lots of photos/slides he has, and sometime I'll put one of them on this for you....

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