The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

The View

... from the hammock.

Rest and relaxation has been prescribed. I saw a new doctor this morning who will be my PC physician while we're here and staying with my daughter and her family (we're becoming regular snowbirds we are). He medically cleared me for the surgical procedurere to remove the stent in two weeks (it will involve general anesthesia), ordered the blood work I need, and did a "new patient" review and work up. All in all it went well and I left feeling confident I was in good hands.

I was also able to get my Pfizer booster while I was there (the reason for my self-prescribed R&R).

Though (typically for me) frantic this morning as I finished pulling everything together for the appointment (including some important paperwork I was sure I had lost), now that it's over I'm in the back yard, my camera near to hand, listening to vintage radio shows (40s and 50s) streamed on an app on my smartphone and I feel a nap coming on.

After all, all that needless worry and fuss can really wear a guy out ... and the adventure, or so I've heard it said, continues.

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