The one that got away

Bit of ani indulgent day. it was the first day of the open studios and art events in Portobello and I decided to spend the day there. After a very tasty coffee and bacon and avocado bagel I started at one end of the town and wandered happily between each studio, browsing and thinking about ideas (stained glass fish for the bathroom? A piece of ceramics for the sitting room shelves? Can I put myself into Christmas presents buying mode?….no to all!). Nice to chat to the various people on the route, whether artists or other people browsing.
I loved one artist's work - Alison Stewart  - and dithered about a couple of her pieces but decided to go home with the measurements and make my mind up then. I did succumb to a necklace though….even though I have way too many already!
Sat on the beach wall with a chocolate custard cruffin once I’d finished the whole trail, and chatted a bit to A and then to T.
Home via the garden centre to buy plants for my sorry looking window boxes. All of a sudden the petunias etc seem to have gone over and were looking very leggy and a bit sad. Had to rather drag myself to do it but I was pleased I did, then texted the artist having decided to go for one of her paintings. Unfortunately it had been sold after I’d left. Drat!
Made some supper and had a quiet evening on the sofa…despite missing the painting I’ve enjoyed the day.

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