Flora at Brora

Awake before light but when it came it was another lovely morning. Perfect for a last glimpse of Orkney for this visit. Another excellent breakfast saw us on our way. This time we took the road to Wick and followed the coast south. Caithness looking its best in bright sunshine on the sea and the cliffs.

We had planned to stop at Brora for a last beach walk. Best viewed large if you can.  Flora has loved being by the sea. Her coat is all salty and sandy but she can be bathed. And will be soon.

On to Inverness for fuel for car and people. Back on the A9 and home. It's always good to get back safe and sound. The house is fine. Some of the garden has gone off piste but it can be tamed. I'm glad to be back and feel lucky to have had such a good holiday.

We had two terrific blip meets as well as seeing the people we know in Westray. What a great island it is. I  hope we can get back next year. Thank you for looking at and commenting on my blips while I've been away. Dawn over Pierowall Bay made it to page 1 of the populars thanks to your generosity.

For now I need to get the washing on, unpack, sort out and prepare for next week which is a busy one. So apologies if I don't get round to much in the way of Blip for the remainder of the day.

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