Beekeepers garden tour

The Kendal Beekeepers were very privileged today, to have a personal guided tour of the beehives and gardens at Levens Hall.
The Head gardener Chris Crowder is a keen beekeeper and has his hives hidden away where general public will not blunder into them.
He showed us his way of putting the hives to bed for the winter, which was fascinating. Also demonstrated picking up a queen bee and marking her with colour so she is easier to find. He made it look easy but I would be terrified!
Then a walk through the gardens where all the flower beds are full of bee friendly plants like Verbena and Salvia. Nice for the bees to be catered for by a team of gardeners!
We shared cakes and tea, and then Rob and I took patient Pepper for a walk along the river, which she greatly appreciated see extra!

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