
By Mendax


Another lovely day at the beach today. As we left home, Boris (who hates my husband leaving him behind) was screaming obscenities from the bathroom window.

I could see Mr Scott lurking behind the hedge, with a camera held aloft. Thankfully, there were no references to Mrs Scott's nether regions today - but what he thought on hearing Boris squawking 'There's been a bloody murrrrrderrrr' over and over, is anyone's guess.

We have 4 parrots at present. H has named them all after Prime Minsters - there's Boris, Maggie, Winston and Neville (no guessing where my husband's political affiliations lie.)

People often ask why he chose to name the birds after politicians. He says it's because they were all smart, articulate, witty, colourful characters, just like the parrots.

If anyone asks me, I say it's because the parrots are belligerent, argumentative, spoilt bullies, who repeat the last thing they heard like it's an original thought, and won't shut up until they fall off their perches.

Just like the politicians....

Prefero canes, as my husband would never say!

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