
By MarkHyson

I've made Page 3!

Last night my Twitter friend AlwaysRed tweeted this picture! with the comment "Local boy done good eh?" He's on here too by the way Here! When I say friend... well we've followed each other on Twitter for ages. live about a mile from ech other, BUT we've never met! Sorry, I digress...

Remember my blip from last Saturday? Here it is if you can't! Well, I sent the link to the local RNLI along with several other pics (you know most of this already, I think) and they sent it out (with my permission - although this caused me a little confusion last night) as a press release. This is one of the results of it! Thanks Red for bringing it to my attention.

So this morning, on my way over to my parents to show someone my old car, I picked up half a dozen copies of the paper at the garage! I left one at mum and dad's with a note... 'see page 3!' (They weren't in!) One at my sister's, (she wasn't in) I gave a couple to people in the pub at lunchtime and brought two back home with me, one I'll keep and the other I'll give to somebody 'one day'!

Therefore here is a really boring, bad photo of the paper with the press release. If you can't read it its says, and I quote
"Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah (blah blah) and the action was expertly captured on camera by Mark Hyson.
Blah blah blah blah [..... ] blah."

Half marathon tomorrow, as a spectator obvs.

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