Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley


After enjoying a wonderful "Carvery Meal" with my parental types and my sister who is up in Edinburgh for a few days, there was a need to get out for a walk and try to shed off the few extra pounds that had been acquired over lunch.

So myself and Mrs R headed down to the front and along to where it was great to see this combine harvester at work.

I love seeing the rhythm of the countryside... 

There is a time to sow, a time to grow, a time to harvest and a time to rest and I believe it's also good to have a rhythm in our own lives whether that be a daily one or being able to recognize and allowing the different seasons of our longer lives to take their natural order.... Not to fight against them, but to allow them to take their course.

Might just ponder that one for a while!! 

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