
By Grammy

Building Bridges

Rainy early then hot and humid. Hubby was up at 6 to complete his to do list. I hobbled out at 7. We made good time until Millie, seeing the suitcases go out the door, found a great hiding place. We finally got on the road around 11:30. We had to cross this bridge that spans the Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia. I traveled this route almost every day for 16 years to get to work at Naval Space Command. The Harry Nice Bridge, named for the 50th Maryland Governor was opened in 1940. We have needed a new, wider bridge for many years. It creates a horrible bottleneck especially in the summer. They were constantly having to make repairs to it when I worked. My greatest fear was getting to the top and being stopped due to repair work. You could feel the bridge sway back and forth while you prayed it wouldn’t fall into the River. I am not sure what the planned completion date is for the new bridge but I understand it will be renamed. Traffic was very light except on the interstate. We arrived at the campground around 3:00 pm. We love it so far; more details tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by and leaving “gifts”. “If you are good at building bridges, you will never fall into the abyss!”
– Mehmet Murat Ildan.

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