Tuesday's photograph (no painting today)

Tried to get a peaceful day yesterday. It did not work.

I had been to the chemist and shops and then I got back, and AH neighbour was already there making his industrial machinery noises, then as I was unloading the car, Shiny Black Van Man (the rogue 'workman') drew up to Mr Insensitive Xmas Lights neighbour. My heart sank, excessive noise from both sides of me. I got the shopping in and put it away.

Cooked my breakfast and dished it out, but someone was knocking on the kitchen window, so I went out and it was a woman I had not seen before . And she had some letters and postcards in her hand. She explained that someone in the other half of my road (I live in the cul-de-sac half, it is a weird layout which causes delivery problems), had been getting getting cards and letters for __my name__ . And his number ended in 0 (my number ends in 8). I think the postman needs glasses. He had stopped her walking her dog (I have never seen her before), apparently he was an elderly confused gentleman, and had stopped her on the pavement and given them to her and told her to take them away because he didn't know what to do with them! And not to bring them back to him. He was quite upset with this mail that was not his. She hadn't known what to do, so she thought she would bring them to my number (but they said that number on them anyway?????). She had thought that was my name. I confirmed it was. She gave me my letters and postcards. So I said thank you and came back into the kitchen and locked the kitchen door.

My breakfast was going to be cold by now. But I turned round to see Merryweather had sneaked in the kitchen while I was at the kitchen door, and was tucking into my breakfast. She had already had cat food out the back earlier. Then she found she couldn't get back out of the kitchen door because I had locked it coming in. So I had to unlock it, but before she could get out I roared again at her again(stealing my food is not on), binned my breakfast. Wasn't going to cook it again, I didn't have the stuff, I had bought it fresh that morning. All I could hear was hammering from Shiny Black Van man, and also industrial machinery noises from AH. But before I could get back to my bed with a cuppa, the doorbell went. So unlocked the kitchen door again, and went out, but no one there. Came back in, locked kitchen door again. Then picked up cuppa tea, and am half way back to my bedroom when the doorbell goes again. I unlocked the kitchen door again and am out there while it still ringing. But no one there. Go out into the road. No one. Came back in disconnected doorbell.

My cuppa tea now too cold to drink, I went to bed and went to sleep for next few hours. I had given up the will to live by now because all I could hear was Shiny Black Van Man's voice, who has definitely kissed the Blarney Stone. Maybe he was touting for more work next door. I hope he didn't get any. Obviously I took off my cochlear sound processor by now...

Earlier when I had been at the shops I went to the till with my stuff. The till lady appeared to indicate a problem. She had a mask on so I had no idea what she was saying. But she wouldn't let me have a particular 3 items (the same). She just put one on the counter and she rang it through. I said I wanted all 3, and that I was deaf and unable to lipread through her mask. So I didn't know what she was saying to me. But she wouldn't lower her mask for me (which she is allowed to do), and she wouldn't write it down either. So, I asked to see the manageress. She is calling and calling for the manageress. And I notice the queue is getting longer and irritated with this situation. The manageress comes along, she does not wear a mask and has a sunflower badge and lanyard which says she is mask exempt. By this time, I think my body is panicking because of the whole situation and it says 'toilet now' to me. And it wasn't for a #1. The manageress explains to till lady that there are no restrictions on this item. But till lady (who I have never seen before) still won't sell me more than one. Each one is only one days supply, and I need the 3 for this week. By this time the queue is muttering, saying stuff, so manageress has to open another till and begins serving them, and my toilet need becomes even more urgent because I am now very stressed. Manageress tells till lady to sell me my items, it is fine. I can have the three items no problem. Till lady still won't have it. Finally she puts the other two items through, and the till accepts the 3 items in one purchase. I know there are restrictions on some things, but not these. I was 15 minutes at that till, and I was exhausted by this time with standing and not being able to lipread till lady and her refusing to communicate reasonably with me. My bathroom need subsided once I left that shop.

I slept a good part of the rest of yesterday's weird day.

I was experimenting this morning with the old Android Huawei device. Apart from some odd annoying quirks in the software and the keyboard taking up 3/4 of the screen, I actually like the way Snapseed runs on this device. It is different than iPad/iPhone. And is easier. I downloaded some photo software to play with also, and I will be experimenting with that today.

No people welcome in my life today. Doorbell is disconnected still. If I feel/see any knocking on my windows I will NOT respond. And my cochlear sound processor will stay in its box today. Only the birds are welcome today...

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