A hot day with Frieda

A scorching day... not that I'm complaining. I know it'll be short-lived and I'm enjoying this late burst of summer.
Frieda, having recently gone back to nursery, is picking up all the minor cold bugs of course (as is Luca). Despite her runny nose and lack of appetite, however, we had a lovely day together. Much of it was spent in shady parts of the garden, putting various soft toys to bed in a little tent and then waking them up again :-)
She's also getting into puzzles in a big way, and loving the satisfaction of assembling them, taking them apart and assembling them all over again.
Simple pleasures.
Other than that?  A visit to the GP to check on recent blood tests. My cholesterol levels have inched up to just inside the problem area... so it'll be a trial run with statins for a while.

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