Imagine the view....

By btc

Parklife: Tourists in Kensington Gardens

....lets face it, you've come to London for a holiday or a city break, it doesn't matter if it's snowing and below freezing with a wind chill factor making it even colder, you are going to get around the city and be all the tourist you can be.

You will get home and your photo album (if they still exist....lets say iPad) will be full with pictures of you freezing in front of Buckingham Palace, shivering in front on Nelsons Column, frost-bound in the queue outside of Madam Tussards.

Whilst every picture has you head tilted and leaning to the left into the biting cold wind....what a joy.

Given all that I'm still not sure that I would let myself be covered head to toe in pigeons in front of Kensington Palace...yuk! Look LARGE But as long as you are having fun, it's your right as a tourist, but lets face it you still aren't as sad as the bugger taking pictures of you.

Hope you are all having a great weekend, the family have all be blipping today given there is nothing else to do in this weather Jayne, Matthew and Alex.

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