Not Impressed

I so wanted to end my stay in Florida by posting my favorite bird...the pelican. But...but...look at this guy. He's in full full feather...he's on display...putting on the ritz.

We crossed a drawbridge onto another island (Longboat Key) in search of a HUGE 10 FAMILY GARAGE SALE. So read the ad. It was embarrassing. 3 small tables set up. We didn't even get out.

There just had to be more sales. We went down another street, and saw 6-7 cars parked. AHA...there's the sale!

But...they weren't hunting for bargains...they were hunting birdies. A "herd" of about 10-11 peacocks was spread out over 3-4 separate yards.

I tried not to get out of the van...but then 2 of the males started "fanning" those feathers. What a spectacle...what a show...what probably get it.

The female approached. The male actually flashed her the backside, and tried to back up to get closer. When he got quite close...he was REALLY shakin the booty. I've seen a few booty shakers...but nothing...but nuttin... like the peacock.

I can't believe the female walked away from this. How could she? Why would she? I was so moved that I wanted to go up, and give him a big hug. But...walk she did.

A few more peacock pictures, and a few pelican pictures are on my FLICKR PAGE. I will probably fall behind in my Blip looking as we head for home. Will catch up on my return.

Lift your arms to your sides, and shimmy shake your backside to put this into large. I know I'll get over it...but I still can't believe she walked away. What more does she want? What more does she need? One look at the feathers should have been enough.

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