Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


It was another busy day - why is life so hectic at the moment? The dogwalker is away so he could not take Xena out today, so she missed seeing her Friday pals - so I had to add that into my morning of changing, washing and ironing the bedding, and still get to the hairdresser by 11am. 

I had all sorts of other chores to do when I got back from the hairdresser, and I haven't even started packing yet and we leave tomorrow morning to go to Cornwall. 

The garden is at that stage when the summer flowers are dying off and it starts looking bleak as winter approaches. These echinacea are still looking good - we bought them from RHS Wisley last year and they came back this year, whereas many other  plants bought from other garden centres did not - so from now on I will only get my plants from there, they definitely are of a better quality and reliably do well in the garden.

And this just makes me see red! During lockdown puppy prices soared, dogs like Xena were being sold for up to £4000 which is just ridiculous. It's no surprise that people have now tired of their lockdown puppies. 

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