
By DaveStevens1982

Final round of ENT

I drove to Calgary this morning in what started as a snow storm and then when we got into the prairies it was beautiful and sunny, however still only a high of -8. My friend Adam and Ben kindly accompanied me to the ENT specialist in the South of Calgary.

Adam stood in the hall of the brand new hospital (pic). I got seen quickly and the news was exactly as predicted. The ear drum had healed nicely and was no longer retracted, hence why the pressure issue is resolved. However the tinnitus is related to hearing loss in my only ear. She showed my results of hearing test and the parts that were missing, causing the ringing. She gave me the option of having tube put in, but advised there was a small chance it may make ringing worse. She explained that the tube would only temporarily make my hearing better while it was in. So as soon as its out 6 months later im right back where I was.

I decided that there was no point pro longing it and definitely didnt want to to take any risks with my only way of hearing. If I decide I want it I can go back, but I think I need to just deal with it. I seem to be managing, although I find it really messes with my mood. The low frequency sound (loudest) that occasionally occurs throughout the day is blood sugar related. So when I eat it goes away, but I cant just keep eating.. very weird.

Anyhow... we had a great day after that and I just decided to forget about it. Move forward by doing only things that make me feel good, i.e nothing that makes ear worse. I am starting a more particular diet as of today that avoids salts & alcohol (very occasional) . I already quit caffeine so Im doing well. I have ear plugs on me all the time in case somethings too loud...

We hit the Imax while we were in the city and saw Identity Thief. This was average, but funny. Drove back in the dark and we drove back to winter, -20.

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