
By Grammy

A New Church

Sunny and wonderfully mild all day. We tossed and turned a lot last night (must have eaten dinner too late) and did not awaken until 8 this morning, very unusual for hubby. Being 9/11, our day was overshadowed by thoughts of those who were lost that day and those who grieved their loss. Our adventure for the day was riding bikes, a feat I thought was out of reach with my old knees. Up hill was tricky and steep hills were a no go but we rode at least 30 minutes. Maybe with practice…. We are seriously considering the next larger size camper with a slide to give us more “walkway” so we spent a few hours searching the possibilities. There is no wi-fi at our camp site so we left really early for Mass and enjoyed coffee/wi-fi at McDonald’s to continue our research. What we thought was 5:00 pm Mass turned out to be 5:30 so we had a bit of time to read until the church was opened. This is the sanctuary at St. Gabriel’s Church in Chesterfield, VA. The parish is new, established in 1997. They moved into this church in June 2001. We actually prefer a more traditional building but the priest was great and we enjoyed his homily and reverent mannerisms. Hubby is treating us to a delicious authentic Italian dinner at a cozy nearby restaurant. The wine servings are generous so we should sleep well tonight. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. “If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.” — Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl, in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in 2002

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