He Had To Join Me On A Walk

Not a great start today as first off we had a broken tap in the bathroom that wouldn’t switch off and then I went out to find I had a rear tyre as flat as a pancake!

I left Mr Kit to sort the tap and head off to golf and I inflated my tyre and went to the tyre place in Pocklington (official name!) to sort my car. No real luck with either as a new tap is required and my tyre was not repairable and I now have to wait for a replacement to be ordered.

It scuppered my plans to see China, which I am sure he was quite happy about as it meant he had an extra day off. Sushi on the other hand, not so much as he had to join me and Dylan on a walk.

I was supposed to go to see my friend Katie to meet her new son and puppy but with the trouble with my car she agreed to come to ours...she’s definitely my kind of guest as she brought cake! It was so lovely to have a proper catch up as I had not seen her since pre-covid days. The puppies both had a ball in the garden and we ended up a very tired and sleepy Dylan.

A lovely evening was spent at friends K and C for a takeaway, a few beers and to watch the tennis...well done Emma Raducanu, what a performance.

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